Calls for Papers

We solicit papers and posters related to all areas of NLP, speech and computational linguistics, as well as those at the intersection with digital humanities and documentary linguistics, provided that they address less-resourced languages.

Examples of topics of interest are the following ones:

  • language resource development, acquisition and representation;
  • linguistic theories, corpus development and resources;
  • linguistic and cognitive studies;
  • unsupervised discovery of linguistic units;
  • code switched lexical modeling;
  • multi-lingual and cross-lingual (spoken, text) language processing;
  • speech-to-text, text-to-speech and speech-to-speech processing;
  • machine translation and dialogue systems;
  • NLP and speech technologies for under-resourced languages.

The intention of this workshop is not only to provide a forum for the presentation of research, but also to offer a venue where researchers in different disciplines and from varied backgrounds can fruitfully explore new areas of intellectual and practical development while honoring their common interest of sustaining less-resourced languages.

We will have both oral presentation sessions and  poster sessions. Authors will be requested to specify the desired presentation mode at submission time. The decision on whether a presentation will be an oral or poster one will be taken by the Organising Committee on the advice of the Programme Committee, taking into account the subject matter and how it might be best conveyed. Oral and poster presentations will not be distinguished in the Workshop Proceedings.

1st Call for Papers | 2nd Call for Papers | 3rd Call for Papers